Vase 3

Florian Tomballe + Steffan Studio



Title  - Vase 3

Size - 73cm x 43cm

Medium - Hard Plaster over a Poly Core

Date - 2019

Price £2500

Enquire here

About the Artist:


Florian Tomballe was born in Antwerp to an artistic family -- his father is a painter, his mother a musician. He went to an art high school, where he discovered he would go into sculpture rather than painting like his father did. He studied at the sculpture department at Royal Academy Antwerp for four years and finished as a master sculptor. Florian took life drawing classes and educated himself on the human anatomy. In his first years in the studio he focused on the classics and now he freely veers away from them to see where his hands and eyes take him.

Steffan is a designer and collector based in London. He worked in fashion as a stylist from 2010, but four years ago, changed paths to focus on Interiors, Art and Furniture.

For his first curated space, Steffan has chosen two of his favourite emerging artists to be presented through this unique shopping experience - Sculptor, Florian Tomballe and Painter, Caroline Popham.

Steffan first approached Florian to discuss a collaboration to create vase-like sculpture pieces. Inspired by Ancient vases, they came up with “The Vase Series”: A group of five contemporary vase-like sculptures, varying in scale and designed in an impromptu manner.

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